sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

Customer Service in Brazil. What have been your experience?

Customer Service. Is Brazil preparing to go to the next level? So far, between the expectatios and the delivered there is a huge gap. I have experienced it with different companies, from Consul to Porto Seguro, GVT, Vivo to the electricist picked from the news paper add. I think to start, these companies should not promise what they cannot comply with. This would be a great start. Not mentioning prices, they charge you 50% of the air conditioning price to install it ( a not complex one). This, when they honor you with their presence... Idiossincracia criola, this is what a friend use to say. Others will say, "os brasileiros estamos ferrados"... The sad thing about this is that a bad service after sale can threaten all the effort put in the factory, to produce with quality and the sales people who sweat their shirt to close the sale.

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